
Children's Theatre Goal: 25K
Senior Workshops Goal: 40K

Taller de Poesía tendrá como objetivo de este taller será descubrir el mundo interior y exterior a través de los ojos del poeta. Con esta finalidad exploraremos dinámicas que nos ayuden a despertar en nosotros la subjetividad y la sensorialidad.
Este no es un taller de teoría sino de creación y experimentación. Ofreceremos una lectura de la producción final que será abierta al público en general.
Cuando: Domingo 1, 8, 15,22 y 29 de Marzo
Hora: 2:00p.m a 4:00 p.m.
Salon de conferencia
TEATROCÍRCULO 64 East 4th St. 3 piso, NY 10003
Contartar a Mariana: 347-645-7608 o marianabuonin@gmail.com

Música en Español, es una programa para disfrutar con los mas pequeños desde los 6 meses de edad hasta los 3 años donde comenzarán a descubrir los diferente ritmos musicales, tocarán instrumentos y aprenderán las clásicas canciones infantiles de toda Latinoamerica.
Los padres son participe de esta maravillosa clase donde disfrutarán como niños también. Este programa es auspiciado por PATTY CAKE THEATER y LAIA ofreciendo la primer clase GRATIS. Tiene una duración 10 clases todos los Domingos comenzando el 1ro de Marzo.
Cuando: Domingos desde el 1 de Marzo hasta
Domingo 3 de Mayo
Hora: 11:00 A.M a 11:45 A.M
Salon de ensayo
TEATROCÍRCULO 64 East 4th St. 3 piso, NY 10003
Contartar a Mariana: 347-645-7608 o marianabuonin@gmail.com

Introducing "Abuelito, dime tú" a theater training program for Seniors in the Lower East Side.
Teatro Círculo is thrilled to announce that in February the company will start a new program for seniors called “Abuelito, dime tú” (Grandpa, tell me a story). This new initiative will provide theatre training to our abuelitos in two seniors centers in the Lower East Side. For three months, the seniors will develop and rehearse a theatrical production, which then will be presented free of charge to general audiences at our professional theater in May. This year the participant senior centers are Grand Street Settlement and Lillian Wald Senior Centers and around 75 seniors will engage in the new program. Councilwoman Rosie Méndez through the Department of Cultural Affairs and its Cultural Immigrant Initiative provided the funds for this series.
“We have been trying to jump start this program for years and it is amazing to see that is finally happening. We at Teatro Círculo believe this is a wonderful opportunity to tap into the talent of our community of seniors, who have a lot to contribute to our great city”-said Rubén Darío Cruz, Program Coordinator. Performances will begin on May 11. A good number of professional Latino actors, who want to support our abuelitos, have confirmed their attendance to a Red Carpet performance to be held on May 13th. For more information contact Rubén Darío Cruz at: rcruz@teatrocirculo.org or call 212-505-1808
Want to start your own project?
Here is our film curriculum.
You can adapt it for your class
Since 2006, Patty Cake Theater has provided quality Arts & Culture and Health & Wellness programming in parks, schools and community centers through the Latin American Intercultural Alliance L.A.I.A.
Sometimes two heads are better than one. During the Spring of 2006, Jurukan Inc. produced a children’s T.V. Pilot named Superhero. In collaboration with Teatro Circulo and the Latin American Intercultural Alliance. The company began expanding programming info Theater and Fitness.
Our companies had collaborated previously on theatrical productions. When the opportunity came to bring a children’s show to Colorado for a children’s hospital, the project gave birth to Patty Cake Theater
We are a resident theater company of Teatro Circulo in Manhattan’s Lower Eastside and has gone a long way to assist in promoting child-based programs.
Patty Cake Theater currently provides in-school residency at Public Schools greater New York through Teatro Circulo based in Manhattan's Lower East Side and in Queens through L.A.I.A the Latin American Intercultural Alliance.
The key to Patty Cake’s success is in its collaboration with multiple theatrical and community centers. We currently work with Teatro LaTEA, Thalia Theater, Teatro Circulo, Teatro IATI, L.A.T.E., El Porton, Latin American Cultural Center, and Culturarte.

Bringing Quality of Life and Quality Programs to our Community
Since 2006, Renaissance Lifestyles has served the Senior Community with quality programming and services making us the Senior Programs the "Gem" of New York.
At "Renaissance" we’re passionate about making an enviornment that allows you to build fabulous friendships and it’s all thanks to the support and feedback from seniors like you! Keep up to date with New monthly calendars and what’s Coming Soon. Feel free to tell us what you think and give us feedback. If you’d like to benefit from a professional center's touch,.